International cooperation in the field of spatial and urban planning is achieved in accordance with the commitment of the Republic of Serbia to European integration, having the aim to improve the process of planning through alignment of indicators and policies of spatial and urban development and fulfillment of internationally established priorities, standards and principles. In the given context, the international cooperation is achieved through various activities among which the following can be singled out in particular:

  • Establishing contacts and cooperation with relevant international organizations as well as with international, national and regional institutions responsible for spatial planning and spatial and urban development;
  • Participating in international projects;
  • Participating in international seminars and workshops in the country and abroad;
  • Familiarising with relevant international documents;
  • Implementation of internationally accepted principles in the preparation of planning documents;
  • Development of internationally harmonised indicators for the territory of the Republic of Serbia;
  • Collection of and insight into national spatial plans/strategies of the neighbouring countries with the aim of harmonising spatial development policies.

Cooperation in the field of spatial planning among Western European countries started in the period of post-war reconstruction, above all, in a cross-border context. In 1958, the Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe was the first to officially stand for joint approach to spatial planning reffering to Resolution No. 8 on European Spatial Planning (Résolution n⁰ 8 relative à l´aménagement du territoire européen), and since 1970  the role has been taken over by the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT). The European Economic Community, on its part, made official the idea of joint planning in 1983 by the resoulution on European Spatial Plan adopted by the European Parliament. European cooperation and integration in the field of spatial planning and spatial and urban development takes place primarily within the programmes and activities of the European Union, more precisely, within the European Territorial Cooperation Programme / INTERREG, including the ESPON network and URBACT Programme, as well as other activities aimed at implementing the Urban Agenda for the EU.

Globally, the cooperation, primarily in the field of urban development, takes place within the United Nations Human Settlements Programme – UN-Habitat established in 1975 under the pressure of intensive urbanisation. The programme provides exchange of experiences and professional support on numerous topics of urban development, in the context of accomplishing the objectives of sustainable development.

Nowadays, the Republic of Serbia participates in all previosly mentioned programmes. Besides, according to the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2020 spatial – functional integration into surroundings is one of the main objectives of spatial development, so this plan provides that functional linkages with neighboring regions and states take place in accordace with European programmes of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation, the activities of Euroregions, interstate cooperation (in the sense of harmonising spatial-development priorities), as well as in line with the European principles and indicators of spatial development, and also with the support of the European Funds and creation of common action areas. The basis for linkages are natural entities, infrastructure, cultural heritage, urban centers as well as economic and social bonds that contribute to the sustainable spatial development of Serbia in its European setting.

The coordination of international cooperation is entrusted to the Group for International Cooperation whose members are:

Mr Tijana Živanović Milić, MSc spatial planner, Head of the Group (
Vanja Ilić, BA in English language and literture, Scientific and Technical Translator (


In preparation for  the twelfth session of the World Urban Forum (WUF12), which will be held in Cairo from November 4 to 8, 2024, the second National Urban Forum was held in Nis on April 11 and 12 this year. (NUF2). The main topic of the Forum, which gathered around 200 participants, was “Localization of sustainable development goals and monitoring of urban development in the Republic of Serbia”. In addition to the plenary session, six parallel thematic sessions were held. The aim of holding the Forum is to contribute to the sustainability, inclusiveness, resilience and safety of urban settlements.

Additional information about the Forum can be found at the link: